
C20: Guide to the architecture of Tskaltubo

We published a new publication mapping architecture in the spa town Tskaltubo in Georgia. It is just in georgian but with the QR link to English version.

Projekt Tatry

Vysoké Tatry sú esenciou Slovenska - miestom nad ktorým sa blýska, odkiaľ zlietajú orly ponad rovné polia k Dunaju. Pramene národných mýtov sa tu riedia v žriedlach peňazí hĺbených na ruinách utópií minulého storočia. Víchrica v roku 2004 odkryla nielen úpätia tatranských štítov, ale aj vzťah našej spoločnosti k architektonickému dedičstvu, k ochrane životného prostredia, udržateľnosti turizmu a ekológii vôbec.

Bratislavské moderné fontány

Kniha Bratislavské moderné fontány mapuje mestské fontány vybudované v období medzi rokmi 1960 do roku 1990. Okrem tých ikonických ako fontána Družba alebo Vejárová fontána publikácia predstaví desiatky malých opustených fontán, ktoré sú zväčša neznáme alebo ich poznajú iba obyvatelia sídliskových vnútroblokov.

Jaromír Krejcar Society was founded

In May, the first meeting of the Management Board of the nonprofit organization the Jaromír Krejcar Society that has a single purpose—to save and restore the former sanatorium Machnáč in Trenčianske Teplice—took place. The nonprofit organization’s foundation is a consequence of the previous civic and cultural efforts of an artistic group Abandoned (re)creation.

C20: Guide to the architecture of Bratislava, Piešťany, High Tatras

We published four new publications mapping all modernist buildings in Bratislava, Piešťany and High Tatras.

Permanent recreation

Permanent recreation

18th of January 2020 we opened our exhibition Permanent recreation in Literary Museum in Tbilisi. Exhibition explores the unknown spa and recreational architectural heritage built on the edge of the Soviet Union. It follows the processes of its post-traumatic transformations against the backdrop of political and social crises of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.

Architektúra starostlivosti

Architecture of care

After 5 years of research we finally published our new book about Slovak Spas in the Second Half of the 20th Centrury

Monuments and Museums Award

The documentary film Po sezóne / Off season about the Machnáč sanatorium was awarded the annual prize of the magazine Pamiatky a múzeá (Monuments and Museums) – cultural heritage revue, in the category film/video/audio/multimedia.