C20: The Guide to Architecture in Trenčianske Teplice is a publication mapping all modernist buildings in the spa town. This unique tourist guide for modernist architecture lovers, whose number is increasing, should raise awareness of the architectural qualities of the period and foster an interest in some well-known and several overlooked buildings, thanks to its attractive and comprehensible layout.
Trenčianske Teplice has one of the highest concentrations of high-quality interwar architecture in Slovakia, and there is some high-quality architecture from the late modernist period. The most famous architectures are the outdoor swimming pool Zelená Žaba (Green Frog), the Machnáč sanatorium, and the reflecting mineral pool Sina, and there are at least 15 other buildings from this period, designed by more or less significant architects. Not all functionalist objects in Trenčianske Teplice have been researched sufficiently, with some of their architects still unknown or unproven. Some objects have fallen into disrepair, due to the long-lasting neglect or their incompetent owners performing insensitive reconstructions.
Idea: Andrea Kalinová, Martin Zaiček
Text: Martin Zaiček
Photos: Peter Kuzmin
Graphic design: Magdaléna Sheryová
copyright © Abandoned (re)creation, 2016
ISBN: 9788097234102