
05 Megobroba Sanatorium

address: Tskaltubo – Khoni road
architect: S.M. Lentovskij
project: 1937
construction: 1940
capacity: 620
current state: since 1992 living site for Internally Displaced Persons, currently abandoned

One of the largest sanatoriums in Tskaltubo was designed before the war, when its construction began. The sanatorium is located relatively far from the main springs on a shallow slope just below the hill where at the same time the KGB officers‘ facilities were being built – a complex that included the spa villa of the supreme Soviet leader – Stalin. The Friendship Sanatorium was designed with a capacity of 620 beds divided into 4 separate blocks. The pairs of accommodation blocks on the northern and southern edges of the complex were connected by a long covered corridor- a street, in the middle of which was located the block of a dining room and a social hall. Of the original 4 accommodation blocks and two central dining rooms, only 3 buildings now remain. Due to the territorial size of this sanatorium, it can be read through the perspectives of the urban design, which, like other buildings of socialist realism, is composed on the central axis of the inner recreational park with a reserve for the further construction of central administration and balneological department, which was never realized. The peripheral surviving wings, on the other hand, are architecturally asymmetrical with the entrance through the main bay located on the inner edge of the residential wing. Architecturally, the Friendship Sanatorium is inspired by the popular Roman Renaissance  designs with elements of classic Baroque.