Monograph of the Machnáč sanatorium

OFF SEASON is a book dedicated to a monument of modern architecture – the Machnáč sanatorium in Trenčianske Teplice, Slovakia. The Machnáč sanatorium ranks among the most precious works of architecture built in Czechoslovakia in the interwar period and is a significant representative of European functionalism. It was designed by the Prague architect Jaromír Krejcar (1895–1950). The architectural solution of this unique building is a celebration of technological and social progress, embodying its author’s humanistic vision. The Machnáč sanatorium was first opened on June 1, 1932, included in the first register of national cultural heritage of Czechoslovakia in 1969, closed in 2002, and has been abandoned and decaying since.

This publication has been supported using public funds provided by Slovak Arts Council.


Idea: Andrea Kalinová, Martin Zaiček

Texts © Martin Zaiček, Andrea Kalinová, Petra Hlaváčková, Jan Tabor, Peter Szalay, Klaus Spechtenhauser

Editor: Petra Hlaváčková

Photos © Peter Kuzmin, Radana Somora, Andrea Kalinová

Graphic design © Magdaléna Sheryová

Reviewers: Henrieta Moravčíková, Katarina Burin

Publisher: NGO Archimera

Copyright © Abandoned (re)creation, 2017

ISBN 978­80­972341­3­3