Abandoned (re)creation was founded in 2011 in Trenčianske Teplice as an initiative aimed at highlighting, reviving and activating the residents´ and visitors´ interest in the abandoned heritage sites in the spa town through artistic interventions. In its initial two years, the project operated as a workshop for students and recent graduates, mostly from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design. The participants were supposed to respond to the dilapidated architecture by site-specific installations and interventions in the public space.
Participants 2011: Andrea Kalinová, Juraj Gábor, Mária Grofčíková, Zuzana Medzihorská, Gabriela Zigová, Daniel Dida, Daniela Krajčová, Monika Pavlechová, Dušan Chrastina, Carlos Carmonamedina.
Martin Zaiček and Juraj Gábor joined the activities of the Abandoned (re)creation in its second year – 2012, and the project was administered by the civic association Archimera, with Juraj Gábor cooperating for one year and Martin Zaiček until now.
The Abandoned (re)creation was transformed into an activity aiming at not only creating art projects but also seeking contact with the locals and spa guests, show them the value and significance of abandoned functionalist buildings and research the possibilities to deal with their poor condition.
Participants 2012: Barbora Németh, Csilla Nagy, Magdaléna Kuchtová, Andrej Gogora, Zuzana Medzihorská, Gabriela Zigová, Michal Dvorský, Martin Somora, Radana Somora, Natália Veľká, Andrea Kalinová, Juraj Gábor, Martin Zaiček.
An important aspect of the second year was to analyze the interest of the locals and spa guests in these abandoned buildings, their attitude to them, and their opinion on possible restoration. A program for the public was added, based on various strategies regarding the town and its architecture. The unused functionalist railway station became a place for a series of lectures and discussions for the public, whose purpose was to research the attitude to the architectural heritage and the general interest of the local residents in the given issues. The lectures were based on various strategies of looking at the town and its architecture, and also presented the town and its architectural treasures in an international context.
In 2013, the workshop form seemed depleted, but there was a will to continue the interaction with local people through lectures and discussions, so the project at the railway station was transformed into the level of a small symposium or festival of architecture.
V roku 2013 sa nám forma workshopu už zdala vyčerpaná, avšak v interakcii s miestnymi obyvateľmi prostredníctvom prednášok a diskusií sme chceli pokračovať a tak sa projekt na železničnej stanici posunul skôr do roviny malého sympózia, či festivalu architektúry.